Recent years have been marked by an increase in violence in everyday life in its various forms, particularly against the “weaker” subjects, first of all women, then minors, the disabled, the migrants, the old people and others, and by important positions and initiatives taken by Institutions, Health Services and civil society, which have highlighted, within a more general problem, how violence against women often has direct fatal consequences for them, but also causes considerable physical and emotional suffering in various situations, often affecting their children and their families.
There is a growing awareness of the fact that these women who have suffered violence often come to the emergency services not only manifesting health needs, but also protection needs and the need to find a way out of these forms of “harmful” relationships. These are needs that are often the expression of a real emergency and whose solution requires the collaboration and integration of different professional skills, in order to avoid any underestimation of the problem. Precisely because of its frequent recurrence, it was felt necessary to pause and reflect on this reality in order to deepen our knowledge and research, to compare and debate, also in the light of new operational methods that are possible, timely and effective…
The Scientific Committee aims to further enrich this discourse through the presentation of abstracts that consider, but are not limited to, the following topics…